Five Things we do to raise better puppies
Genetics: The first step to well-adjusted, healthy puppies is to breed from parents who display those traits. Not only do we health test our breeding dogs to lower the risk of breed-related conditions but we also select parents who have great temperaments and the drive to support their breed's working standard. Breeding determines the temperament, type, longevity, and hunting ability and should always be considered in the purchase of a companion, show, or hunting dog.
2. Working Standard: Our dogs were bred to hunt. Our focus is to promote the preservation of both bloodlines and the breeds we have chosen to work with. We strive for sound, trainable, healthy dogs that best represent our ideal picture of the breed. Our dogs are competitive, obedient, & do well in the field. Therefore, we test our dogs in AKC hunt tests or NAVHDA to show that they meet the breed's working standard and allow them to be evaluated by a non-biased third party.
If someone is only looking for a pet, why should they consider buying a puppy from parents with a title?
After all, their pet will not need the drive or desire that a hunting dog should have; all they want is a good companion. So are titles on the parents all that important?
Having a title shows that this particular dog is intelligent and trainable, and is capable of being trained reliably to an advanced level. It shows the dog has the desire to work with its handler, and the ability to learn new behavior. The dog that possesses these traits can pass them to its offspring. A dog that does not have these traits cannot! This is very important for the pet owner because a dog that has the genetic desire to learn and work with its handler is much easier to train!
A title demonstrates that the breeder does more than just breed their dogs. They are engaged with and involved in other activities besides breeding their dogs over and over.
A title shows that the breeder has had the opportunity to compare their dogs with other representatives of the breed and to compare them against a set, objective test (that was designed with the pointing breed in mind). Such as AKC hunt tests, field trails, or NAVHDA tests.
A title shows that the dog has left the breeder’s property, and been exposed to everyday situations beyond the small world of the breeder’s home. The title shows that this dog has been through the stress of training and trialing in an environment much different from its comfortable home, and the dog has handled it successfully
A title shows, in part, that the dog has the proper working temperament of a GSP or Vizsla.
Training and titling a dog thoroughly inform the breeder so that they can make good breeding decisions.
They now know without a doubt who and what their dogs are and have proven it through the training and titling process. They know where their dog needs to be complemented, and what needs to be corrected for future breeding.
Which breeder would you rather get a puppy from one who has thoroughly informed themselves on and proven what their dogs are like through training and titling them or one who “knows” what their dogs are like at home only, and who decides that this is good enough for breeding, without any objective proof or test?
3. Education: We take AKC breeder education courses yearly to ensure we are always learning, improving, and committed to educating ourselves on proper breeding practices. We also compete in AKC performance events when we are able. Due to our education and commitment to titling and testing our dogs, we are AKC Breeders of Merit.
4. Early Training: Responsible breeders will help the puppies be successful from the beginning, by exposing them to new things and early training. Nosam Kennels is proud to offer Puppy culture-raised puppies! Puppy Culture represents a gold standard in puppy rearing and early socialization. Puppy Culture is a program used by Breeders and Puppy owners, all over the world to improve the lives of their puppies and to limit behavioral issues by helping puppies cope with and move past things that would otherwise cause issues as adults.
We believe that dog obedience training is an important part of a puppy's development so that our puppies know what is expected and how to behave appropriately. With proper training, new puppies can become great Canine companions who are a joy to have around the house and in the field or show ring. We believe in helping our puppies reach their full potential to become superior hunting or family companions. Puppies are exposed to a variety of sounds, surfaces, and activities designed to socialize and instill confidence and instinct. In addition to being given lots of attention, they are handled by us and socialize with our pack daily. Not only is this an important part of early socialization to humans and other animals, but it is also essential in helping the puppies form positive associations later in life. While we cannot guarantee a pup will show a desire to hunt when it matures, what you can expect in a pup from us is a well-socialized, healthy puppy who has been introduced to the outside world.
Puppies are exposed to a variety of sounds, surfaces, and activities designed to socialize and instill confidence and natural instinct. In addition to being given lots of attention, they are handled by us and socialize with our pack on a daily basis. Not only is this an important part of early socialization to humans and other animals, but it is also essential in helping the puppies form positive associations later in life. While we cannot guarantee a pup will show a desire to hunt when it matures, what you can expect in a pup from us is a well-socialized, healthy puppy who has been introduced to the outside world.
Recall is started early with "here pup pup pup" every time puppies are rewarded with their meals or treats so that recall is a positive experience early on.
Manding: Puppies are asked to sit politely for attention this early training teaches puppies how to communicate by asking for things without jumping.
5. Proper Facilities to aid in proper care: Every litter produced should be done responsibly (proper deworming and vaccination protocols, proper socialization). For this to be possible it is important for breeders to have the right set up to care for their litters. We own 50 acres and have access to many more to train and exercise our adults and their puppies. Along with this we have built a kennel to house our dogs & their puppies. To prevent unwanted litter and to keep our dogs safe. Our whelping area sits next to our home. It is well insulated with tile floors, and shower board on the walls to allow for easy sanitation between litters to prevent the spread of disease. Professional grade whelping boxes with pig rails to protect puppies. Complete with heat, air, and cameras to allow us to keep a constant temperature along with a watchful eye on mom and pups while allowing them a quiet and peaceful area to relax with their newborns. Moms have run of our fenced yard when taking a break from puppies and we also have two outdoor play yards for pups once they can spend time outdoors. A TV plays to allow puppies to hear lots of different noises as they begin to develop. This design was well thought out to ensure the safety of every litter and comfort for our moms. Being able to properly sanitize the whelping area and give mom a relaxing space is of utmost importance when raising healthy puppies. Our puppies are handled and socialized daily and still raised within our home spending time in there throughout the day. The puppies also experience many new things during their first 8 weeks. They go on car rides, play outside in our environmental enrichment puppy pen and swim at the pond (weather permitting), as well as go through a brief bird and gun introduction. Our adults exercise every day and get to run/swim and interact with us throughout the day. We even built a pool to practice dock diving. In the summer we go to the lake 2-3x a week, during the fall our dogs are hunted over nearly 1x a week or more. During the off-season, our dogs are traveling to shows, tests, and fun events such as fast cat or dock diving. Our dogs live very enriched lives.
-Nosam Kennels AKC Vizsla, Bracco & German Shorthaired Pointers